
Scary Movies

The past year the horror genre seems to have let down its beloved fans. Big Hollywood films getting by using simple story-lines, less appealing characters & going no where near above or beyond expectations. Still, as a fan-base we continue to watch these movies just hoping that it will gain some spark, interest or breath new life for future films or projects. Hoping to go home entertained & feel their hard earned money is well spent. Rather we are let down by most of the films that are talked up so much when the majority rarely ever live up to the hype. This past October was pretty crappy for horror fans. I remember some of the best times seeing a good horror flick was of course a given during October. Fans honestly got nothing new except for one of the worst films I’ve seen in a while Annabelle. I feel the film could have been so much better than it was in all honesty. I didn’t expect much truth be told, but I still thought it would bring some good edges. I couldn’t have been more wrong. Annabelle the doll itself is just plain boring, she doesn’t have a personality, nor any character, she’s visually just scary you could say. The whole film felt very rushed & forced. I hope 2015 has a lot more in store for horror fans, it seems like indie-horror is really taking over which is awesome.

2 thoughts on “11.18.2014

  1. Personally I felt like October gave us a few good films, although not for everyone, The Houses October Built was brilliantly creepy! I do get what you’re saying though, I think too many producers are relying on jump scares instead of being creepy. Great post!

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