Forsaken-Writer:Chaz Weisenstein

Crime, Friends, horror, Horror Story(Short), Memories, movies, Murder, new, Paper, Rate, review, Scary Movies, Scary Story(short), Short Stories, slasher, Support, Uncategorized, Writer

Storms erupted with crackles of thunder throughout the mist of the night. The night was breathing heavy with a windy bliss. The house was silent as could be, after all it’s been abandoned for 11 years. Still rotting & sitting , left untouched since it was closed down. The crimes committed were never talked about again, the local town people knew to never go near that house. People have said the house looks like it’s always watching as people walk near. Never look in the top windows during the day they say. To Be Continued……


& Then You Really Might Know What It’s Like-Writer:CW

Article, California, Crime, critic, Dreams, Follow, Friends, Funny, Happy, horror, Horror Story(Short), Love, Memories, Motivation, movies, new, Paper, Rate, review, Scary Movies, Scary Story(short), Short Stories, slasher, Support, Uncategorized, Writer

What is life to you? Do we actually have an understanding of our kind? Think as the puzzle was never put together, but pieces are here for you to connect. Not a day is the same as I envision this dark cold world through my window that hides a beautiful mirage of beauty. All I see is a world completely disconnected by separation & jealousy over things that don’t matter. Friends have come & gone for the better, seems now days it’s all for show. People’s true emotions are stuck & frozen dead in the ground shut. The saying goes “Product Of Their Own Environment”


Devils Night

California, Crime, critic, Dreams, Friends, Funny, Happy, horror, Horror Story(Short), Love, Memories, movies, Murder, new, Paper, Rate, review, Scary Movies, Scary Story(short), Short Stories, slasher, Support, Uncategorized, Writer

October 31st , the night of ghouls & ghosts. Dressed as creatures unknown, the fog & mist seams above. Laughter with sacks of candy run down house by house. He watches from a distance, his birthday is every Hallows’ Eve. The town never found his body but he’s here. Maybe not alive & well but he’s always watching from a far. Snatching kids one by one each year without a trace. The mans face was filled with the lost souls of the Trick ‘R Treater’s as they gave him the name Natas.



Dreams, Friends, Happy, Love, Memories, new, review, Short Stories, Support, Writer

-Faces Smile While Others Frown- Upcoming Generations Gutted Put In The Ground-Not Us The Revolutions Our Sound, Mind Over Anything We All Wear Crowns-Break Out The Glass You’ll See What You’ve Found-Love Is The Product Of The Mind, Body, And Soul Nestle Together As One We All Become “Whole”-


Short Story(2014)Writer:Chaz Weisenstein

California, critic, Dreams, Friends, Funny, horror, Horror Story(Short), Love, Memories, movies, new, review, Scary Movies, Scary Story(short), slasher, Support

A typical Saturday night right? relaxing watching your favorite show. Everything sure is perfect as you’re having the time of your life. Sadly today was your special day. The day you’re killed with no remorse or motive. Everyone always remembers their very special day. (blackness) (regaining conscious) Your body is stiff as your mind awakens on your bed realizing this is no regular wake up call. Making an effort to nudge you realize your body can’t move, completely paralyzed from the neck down. As you glance down next to you and notice the love of your life is gagged, with her infamous mascara running down her sweet face in agony screaming. Both of you’re tied down in your own home and there is nothing you can do. This was the special night or so he thought to pop the question. This is the country life you dreamed of as you both asked to be far away from civilization. The man begs and moans for help in agony, but the “devil” was already present, they knew it was their time. Inches slowly carving the woman’s throat out with a dark lush grin, the darkest eyes. Eyes within hells gates. The man has a heart attack as his wife is butchered as they die with no soul. Both bodies were dismembered, the victims were found reported hanging from light poles at the North Market 20 miles away, 3:33 AM. Officers Found A mask at the scene but had no other leads.
